
class Builder(context: Context)

Builder class for creating Balloon.


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fun Builder(context: Context)


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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
var alpha: Float = 1.0f
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var arrowDrawable: Drawable? = null
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var arrowElevation: Float = 0.0f
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
var arrowPosition: Float = 0.5f
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var iconDrawable: Drawable? = null
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var iconForm: IconForm? = null
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var isFocusable: Boolean = true
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var layout: View? = null
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var layoutRes: Int? = null
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var marginLeft: Int = 0
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var marginRight: Int = 0
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var marginTop: Int = 0
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
var maxWidthRatio: Float
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var minWidth: Int = 0
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
var minWidthRatio: Float
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var overlayPadding: Float = 0.0f
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var overlayPosition: Point? = null
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var paddingLeft: Int = 0
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var paddingTop: Int = 0
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var preferenceName: String? = null
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var runIfReachedShowCounts: () -> Unit? = null
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var showTimes: Int = 1
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var textForm: TextForm? = null
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var textIsHtml: Boolean = false
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var textLineSpacing: Float? = null
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var textSize: Float = 12.0f
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var width: Int
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@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0)
var widthRatio: Float


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fun build(): Balloon

Create a new instance of the Balloon which includes customized attributes.

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sets a Runnable for invoking after the preference showing counts is reached the goal. This method should be used ith the setPreferenceName and setShowCounts.

sets a lambda for invoking after the preference showing counts is reached the goal. This method should be used ith the setPreferenceName and setShowCounts.

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fun setAlpha(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float): Balloon.Builder

sets the alpha value to the popup.

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sets the padding of the arrow when aligning anchor using with ArrowPositionRules.ALIGN_ANCHOR.

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sets the padding ratio of the arrow when aligning anchor using with ArrowPositionRules.ALIGN_ANCHOR.

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sets the padding of the arrow the resource when aligning anchor using with ArrowPositionRules.ALIGN_ANCHOR.

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sets the bottom padding of the arrow.

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sets the bottom padding of the arrow using the resource.

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sets a color of the arrow.

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sets if arrow color should match the color of the balloon card. Overrides arrowColor. Does not work with custom arrows.

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sets a color of the arrow using a resource.

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sets a custom drawable of the arrow.

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sets a custom drawable of the arrow using the resource.

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sets the elevation of the arrow.

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sets the elevation of the arrow using dimension resource.

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sets the left padding of the arrow.

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sets the left padding of the arrow using the resource.

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sets the arrow orientation using ArrowOrientation.

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ArrowOrientationRules determines the orientation of the arrow depending on the aligning rules.

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fun setArrowPosition(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float): Balloon.Builder

sets the arrow position by popup size ration. The popup size depends on arrowOrientation.

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ArrowPositionRules determines the position of the arrow depending on the aligning rules.

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sets the right padding of the arrow.

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sets the right padding of the arrow using the resource.

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fun setArrowSize(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the size of the arrow.

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sets the size of the arrow using dimension resource.

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sets the top padding of the arrow.

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sets the top padding of the arrow using the resource.

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dismisses automatically some milliseconds later when the popup is shown.

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sets the background color of the arrow and popup.

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sets the background color of the arrow and popup using the resource color.

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sets the background drawable of the popup.

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sets the background drawable of the popup by the resource.

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sets the balloon showing animation using BalloonAnimation.

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sets the balloon showing animation using custom xml animation style.

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sets the balloon highlight animation using BalloonHighlightAnimation.

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sets the balloon highlight animation using custom xml animation resource file.

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sets the balloon overlay showing animation using BalloonAnimation.

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sets the balloon overlay showing animation using custom xml animation style.

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sets a BalloonRotateAnimation to give highlight animation.

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sets the duration of the circular animation. this option only works with BalloonAnimation.CIRCULAR value in setBalloonAnimation.

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sets the corner radius of the popup.

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sets the corner radius of the popup using dimension resource.

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dismisses when the popup clicked.

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dismisses when the LifecycleOwner be on paused.

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dismisses when the overlay popup is clicked.

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dismisses when invoked show function again.

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dismisses when touch outside.

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fun setElevation(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the elevation to the popup.

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sets the elevation to the popup using dimension resource.

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sets isFocusable option to the body window. if true when the balloon is showing, can not touch other views and onBackPressed will be fired to the balloon.

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fun setHeight(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the height size.

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sets the height size using a dimension resource.

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sets the color of the icon drawable.

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sets the color of the icon drawable using the resource color.

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sets the content description accessibility.

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sets the content description accessibility using resource.

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sets the icon drawable of the popup.

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sets the icon drawable of the popup using the resource.

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applies IconForm attributes to the icon.

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sets the icon gravity of the popup using the resource.

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sets the height size of the icon drawable.

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sets the height size of the icon drawable using the dimension resource.

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fun setIconSize(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the size of the icon drawable.

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sets the size of the icon drawable using the dimension resource.

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fun setIconSpace(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the space between the icon and the main text content.

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sets the space between the icon and the main text content using dimension resource.

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fun setIconWidth(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the width size of the icon drawable.

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sets the width size of the icon drawable using the dimension resource.

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sets whether the popup window will be attached in the decor frame of its parent window. If you want to show up balloon on your DialogFragment, it's recommended to use with true. (#131)

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sets isComposableContent to the balloon content. isComposableContent indicates if the custom layout content is composed of Jetpack Compose Composable function.

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sets is status bar is visible or not in your screen.

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sets the visibility of the arrow.

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sets the visibility of the overlay for highlighting an anchor.

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fun <T : ViewBinding> setLayout(binding: T): Balloon.Builder

sets a ViewBinding to the popup content.

sets a custom layout view to the popup content.

sets a custom layout resource to the popup content.

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sets the LifecycleObserver for observing the the lifecycleOwner's lifecycle states.

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sets the LifecycleOwner for dismissing automatically when the LifecycleOwner is destroyed. It will prevents memory leak : Avoid Memory Leak

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fun setMargin(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the margin on the balloon all directions.

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sets the bottom margin on the balloon.

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sets the bottom margin on the balloon using dimension resource.

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sets the horizontal (left and right) margins on the balloon.

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sets the horizontal (left and right) margins on the balloon using a dimension resource.

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sets the left margin on the balloon.

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sets the left margin on the balloon using dimension resource.

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sets the margin on the balloon all directions using a dimension resource.

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sets the right margin on the balloon.

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sets the right margin on the balloon using dimension resource.

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fun setMarginTop(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the top margin on the balloon.

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sets the top margin on the balloon using dimension resource.

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sets the vertical (top and bottom) margins on the balloon.

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sets the vertical (top and bottom) margins on the balloon using a dimension resource.

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fun setMaxWidth(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the maximum size of the width. this functionality works only with the BalloonSizeSpec.WRAP.

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fun setMaxWidthRatio(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float): Balloon.Builder

sets the maximum width size by the display screen size ratio.

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sets the maximum size of the width using a dimension resource. this functionality works only with the BalloonSizeSpec.WRAP.

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fun setMinWidth(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the minimum size of the width. this functionality works only with the BalloonSizeSpec.WRAP.

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fun setMinWidthRatio(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float): Balloon.Builder

sets the minimum width size by the display screen size ratio.

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sets the minimum size of the width using a dimension resource. this functionality works only with the BalloonSizeSpec.WRAP.

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sets the movement method for TextView.

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background color of the overlay.

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background color of the overlay using a color resource.

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sets the balloon overlay gravity.

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sets a padding value of the overlay shape internally.

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sets color of the overlay padding.

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sets color of the overlay padding using a color resource.

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sets a padding value of the overlay shape internally using dimension resource..

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sets a specific position of the overlay shape.

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sets a shape of the overlay over the anchor view.

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fun setPadding(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the padding on the balloon content all directions.

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sets the bottom padding on the balloon content.

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sets the bottom padding on the balloon content using dimension resource.

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sets the horizontal (right and left) padding on the balloon content.

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sets the horizontal (right and left) padding on the balloon content using dimension resource.

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sets the left padding on the balloon content.

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sets the left padding on the balloon content using dimension resource.

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sets the padding on the balloon content all directions using dimension resource.

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sets the right padding on the balloon content.

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sets the right padding on the balloon content using dimension resource.

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sets the top padding on the balloon content.

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sets the top padding on the balloon content using dimension resource.

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sets the vertical (top and bottom) padding on the balloon content.

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sets the vertical (top and bottom) padding on the balloon content using dimension resource.

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sets the preference name for persisting showing counts. This method should be used with the setShowCounts.

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sets the balloon should support the RTL layout. The RTL layout is enabled by default, but you can disable this by passing false to the isRtlSupport.

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pass touch events through the overlay to the anchor.

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sets showing counts which how many times the Balloon popup will be shown up. This method should be used with the setPreferenceName.

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fun setSize(@Dp width: Int, @Dp height: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the width and height sizes of the balloon.

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sets the width and height sizes of the balloon using a dimension resource.

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sets the main text content of the popup.

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sets the color of the main text content.

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sets the color of the main text content using the resource color.

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applies TextForm attributes to the main text content.

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sets gravity of the text. this only works when the width or setWidthRatio set explicitly.

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sets whether the text will be parsed as HTML (using Html.fromHtml(..))

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sets the line spacing value of the text.

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sets the line spacing value resource of the text.

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sets the main text content of the popup using resource.

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sets the size of the main text content.

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sets the size of the main text content using dimension resource.

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sets the typeface of the main text content.

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fun setWidth(@Dp value: Int): Balloon.Builder

sets the width size.

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fun setWidthRatio(@FloatRange(from = 0.0, to = 1.0) value: Float): Balloon.Builder

sets the width size by the display screen size ratio.

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sets the width size using a dimension resource.