Package-level declarations


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ArrowOrientation determines the orientation of the arrow.

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ArrowOrientationRules determines the orientation of the arrow depending on the aligning rules.

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ArrowPositionRules determines the position of the arrow depending on the aligning rules.

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Balloon implements a customizable tooltips popup with and arrow and animations.

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BalloonAlign decides where the balloon should be placed.

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BalloonAnimation is the collection of the popup animations.

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BalloonCenterAlign is an aligning rule for the Balloon.showAtCenter.

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BalloonHighlightAnimation gives repeated dynamic animations on Balloon when it's showing. The animation would work differently by the position of the arrow.

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BalloonPreferenceManager helps to persist showing counts.

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A specification interface for determining sizes of the Balloon materials. We can wrap some materials depending on their size of content using this interface.

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class IconForm

IconForm is an attribute class which has TextView attributes for customizing popup icons easily.

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IconGravity determines the orientation of the icon.

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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a balloon view is clicked.

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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a balloon view is dismissed.

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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a balloon view is initialized.

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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when touched on outside of the balloon popup.

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Interface definition for a callback to be invoked when a balloon overlay view is clicked.

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class TextForm

TextFrom is an attribute class what has some attributes about TextView for customizing popup texts easily.


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Returns a Lazy delegate to access the custom View's Balloon property. The balloon property will be initialized lazily.

Returns a Lazy delegate to access the ComponentActivity's Balloon property. The balloon property will be initialized lazily.

Returns a Lazy delegate to access the Fragment's Balloon property. The balloon property will be initialized lazily.

inline fun <T : Balloon.Factory> ViewBinding.balloon(): Lazy<Balloon>

Returns a Lazy delegate to access the custom ViewBinding's Balloon property. The balloon property will be initialized lazily.

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inline fun createBalloon(context: Context, crossinline block: Balloon.Builder.() -> Unit): Balloon

Creates an instance of the Balloon by scope of the Balloon.Builder using kotlin dsl.

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inline fun iconForm(context: Context, crossinline block: IconForm.Builder.() -> Unit): IconForm

creates an instance of IconForm from IconForm.Builder using kotlin dsl.

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fun View.showAlign(balloon: Balloon, align: BalloonAlign, subAnchorList: List<View> = listOf(), xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0)

shows the balloon on an anchor view depending on the align alignment with x-off and y-off.

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fun View.showAlignBottom(balloon: Balloon, xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0)

shows the balloon on an anchor view as the bottom alignment with x-off and y-off.

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fun View.showAlignLeft(balloon: Balloon, xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0)

shows the balloon on an anchor view as the left alignment with x-off and y-off.

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fun View.showAlignRight(balloon: Balloon, xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0)

shows the balloon on an anchor view as the right alignment with x-off and y-off.

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fun View.showAlignTop(balloon: Balloon, xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0)

shows the balloon on an anchor view as the top alignment with x-off and y-off.

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fun View.showAsDropDown(balloon: Balloon, xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0)

shows the balloon on an anchor view as drop down with x-off and y-off.

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fun View.showAtCenter(balloon: Balloon, xOff: Int = 0, yOff: Int = 0, centerAlign: BalloonCenterAlign = BalloonCenterAlign.TOP)

shows the balloon on the center of an anchor view.

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inline fun textForm(context: Context, crossinline block: TextForm.Builder.() -> Unit): TextForm

creates an instance of TextForm from TextForm.Builder using kotlin dsl.