
class Builder(val context: Context)

Builder class for TextForm.


Link copied to clipboard
fun Builder(context: Context)


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard
var textIsHtml: Boolean = false
Link copied to clipboard
var textLineSpacing: Float? = null
Link copied to clipboard
var textSize: Float = 12.0f
Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard


Link copied to clipboard
Link copied to clipboard

sets the movement method for TextView.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the content text of the form.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the color of the text.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the color of the text using resource.

Link copied to clipboard

sets gravity of the text.

Link copied to clipboard

sets whether the text will be parsed as HTML (using Html.fromHtml(..))

Link copied to clipboard

sets the line spacing value of the text.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the line spacing value resource of the text.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the content text of the form using string resource.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the size of the text.

Link copied to clipboard

sets the size of the main text content using dimension resource.

Link copied to clipboard