skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)
An expression for invoking whatIf when the FragmentActivity has an attached fragment T.
A fragment currently on the back stack associated with this ID resource.
An executable lambda function if the FragmentActivity has a fragment T.
skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)
An expression for invoking whatIf when the FragmentActivity has an attached fragment T. If FragmentActivity has not an attached fragment T, whatIfNot will be invoked instead of the whatIf.
A fragment currently on the back stack associated with this ID resource.
An executable lambda function if the FragmentActivity has a fragment T.
An executable lambda function if the FragmentActivity has not an attached fragment T.
skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)
An expression for invoking whatIf when the FragmentActivity has an attached fragment T.
A fragment currently on the back stack associated with this tag name.
An executable lambda function if the FragmentActivity has a fragment T.
skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)
An expression for invoking whatIf when the FragmentActivity has an attached fragment T. If FragmentActivity has not an attached fragment T, whatIfNot will be invoked instead of the whatIf.
A fragment currently on the back stack associated with this tag name.
An executable lambda function if the FragmentActivity has a fragment T.
An executable lambda function if the FragmentActivity has not an attached fragment T.