
abstract class ApiResponseSuspendOperator<T> : SandwichOperator


skydoves (Jaewoong Eum)

ApiResponseSuspendOperator operates on an ApiResponse which should be handled in the suspension scope. This allows you to handle success and error response instead of the com.skydoves.sandwich.suspendOnSuccess, com.skydoves.sandwich.suspendOnError, com.skydoves.sandwich.suspendOnException transformers. This operator can be applied globally as a singleton instance, or on each ApiResponse one by one.


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fun ApiResponseSuspendOperator()


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abstract suspend fun onError(apiResponse: ApiResponse.Failure.Error<T>)

Operates the ApiResponse.Failure.Error for handling error responses if the request failed.

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abstract suspend fun onException(apiResponse: ApiResponse.Failure.Exception<T>)

Operates the ApiResponse.Failure.Exception for handling exception responses if the request get an exception.

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abstract suspend fun onSuccess(apiResponse: ApiResponse.Success<T>)

Operates the ApiResponse.Success for handling successful responses if the request succeeds.