
object Only

Easy way to run block codes only as many times as necessary.


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class Builder(name: String, times: Int)
Builder class for creating Only.


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fun clearAllOnly()
clear all Only data from the preference.
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fun clearOnly(name: String)
remove a Only data from the preference.
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open operator fun equals(other: Any?): Boolean
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fun getMarking(name: String): String?
gets Only marking data.
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fun getOnBeforeDoneExecuted(name: String): Boolean
get Only executed or not about onBeforeDone.
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fun getOnlyTimes(name: String): Int
get Only time from the preference.
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open fun hashCode(): Int
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fun init(context: Context): Only
initialize the Only default properties.
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fun isDebugMode(): Boolean
check debug mode.
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fun mark(name: String, marking: Any?)
marks Only tag data.
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fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, onDO: Runnable): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
inline fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, onDo: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
inline fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
inline fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
inline fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, onLastDo: Runnable, onBeforeDone: Runnable): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
inline fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit, crossinline onLastDo: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onBeforeDone: () -> Unit = {}): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary.
fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, onLastDo: Runnable, onBeforeDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
inline fun onDo(name: String, times: Int, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit, crossinline onLastDo: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onBeforeDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only as many times as necessary with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
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fun onDoOnce(name: String, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only once.
inline fun onDoOnce(name: String, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only once.
fun onDoOnce(name: String, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, onLastDo: Runnable, onBeforeDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only once with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
inline fun onDoOnce(name: String, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onLastDo: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onBeforeDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only once with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
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fun onDoThrice(name: String, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only thrice.
inline fun onDoThrice(name: String, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only thrice.
fun onDoThrice(name: String, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, onLastDo: Runnable, onBeforeDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only thrice with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
inline fun onDoThrice(name: String, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onLastDo: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onBeforeDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only thrice with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
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fun onDoTwice(name: String, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only twice.
inline fun onDoTwice(name: String, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only twice.
fun onDoTwice(name: String, onDo: Runnable, onDone: Runnable, onLastDo: Runnable, onBeforeDone: Runnable, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only twice with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
inline fun onDoTwice(name: String, crossinline onDo: (Int) -> Unit, crossinline onDone: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onLastDo: () -> Unit = {}, crossinline onBeforeDone: () -> Unit = {}, version: String = ""): Only
execute the onDo block only twice with onLastDo and onBeforeDone.
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fun onlyOnDoDebugMode(ignore: Boolean): Only
check debugging mode.
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fun setOnlyTimes(name: String, time: Int)
set Only time from the preference.
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open fun toString(): String