Package-level declarations
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interface BalloonWindow
BalloonWindow is an interface that define all executable behaviors of the balloon's window.
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fun Balloon(modifier: Modifier = Modifier, builder: Balloon.Builder, key: Any? = null, balloonContent: @Composable () -> Unit? = null, content: @Composable (BalloonWindow) -> Unit)
Balloon allows you to display tooltips, which is fully customizable with an arrow and animations for Compose.
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fun rememberBalloonBuilder(context: Context = LocalContext.current, block: Balloon.Builder.() -> Unit): Balloon.Builder
Create and remember Balloon.Builder.
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sets a color of the arrow.
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sets the background color of the arrow and popup.
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sets the color of the icon drawable.
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background color of the overlay.
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sets color of the overlay padding.
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sets the color of the main text content.