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Custom Options

Landscapist provides multiple ways to customize the request and transition options.

Custom RequestOptions and TransitionOptions

You can customize your request-options with your own RequestOptions and TransitionOptions for applying caching strategies, loading transformations like below:

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  requestOptions = {
        .override(256, 256)

Custom RequestBuilder

You can request image with your own RequestBuilder, which is the backbone of the request in Glide and is responsible for bringing your options together with your requested url or model to start a new load.

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  requestBuilder = { Glide.with(LocalContext.current.applicationContext).asDrawable() },
  modifier = Modifier.constrainAs(image) {

Custom RequestListener

You can register your own RequestListener, which allows you to trace the status of a request while images load.

  imageModel = { imageUrl },
  requestListener = object: RequestListener<Drawable> {
    override fun onLoadFailed(
      e: GlideException?,
      model: Any?,
      target: Target<Drawable>?,
      isFirstResource: Boolean
    ): Boolean {
      // do something
      return false

    override fun onResourceReady(
      resource: Drawable?,
      model: Any?,
      target: Target<Drawable>?,
      dataSource: DataSource?,
      isFirstResource: Boolean
    ): Boolean {
      // do something
      return true


You can pass the same instance of your RequestOptions down through the Composition in your composable hierarchy as following the example below:

val requestOptions = RequestOptions()
    .override(300, 300)

CompositionLocalProvider(LocalGlideRequestOptions provides requestOptions) {
  // Loads images with the custom `requestOptions` without explicit defines.
    imageModel = ...