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Retrofit Integration

Sandwich provides seamless ways to integrate the ApiResponse<*> type into your Retrofit services with Coroutines.

To utilize these Retrofit supports, simply add the following dependency:

Maven Central

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.skydoves:sandwich-retrofit:$version"
dependencies {


First, build your Retrofit instance with the ApiResponseCallAdapterFactory call adapter factory:

val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

Next, define your service interface with the suspend keyword and ApiResponse<*> as the response type:

interface MyApiService {

  suspend fun fetchData(): ApiResponse<List<Poster>>

Lastly, execute the defined service to receive the ApiResponse:

val apiService = retrofit.create(
val response: ApiResponse<List<Poster>> = apiService.fetchData()
response.onSuccess {
    // handles the success case when the API request gets a successful response.
    mutableStateFlow.value = data
  }.onError {
    // handles error cases when the API request gets an error response.
  }.onException {
    // handles exceptional cases when the API request gets an exception response.

By following these steps, you can easily utilize the ApiResponse type in your Retrofit services. If you're interested in injecting your own coroutine scope or performing unit tests with a test coroutine scope, you can refer to the Injecting a custom CoroutineScope and Unit Tests section for more details.

Note: If you're interested in injecting your own coroutine scope and unit testing with a test coroutine scope, check out the Injecting a custom CoroutineScope and Unit Tests.

ApiResponse Extensions for Retrofit

The sandwich-retrofit package provides valuable property extensions for ApiResponse.


This indicates a successful network request. From the ApiResponse.Success, you can retrieve the response's body data as well as supplementary details such as StatusCode, Headers, and more.

val data: List<Poster> = // or response.body 
val statusCode: StatusCode = response.statusCode
val headers: Headers = response.headers
val raw: okhttp3.Response = response.raw


This denotes a failed network request, typically due to bad requests or internal server errors. You can access error messages and additional information like StatusCode, Headers, and more from the ApiResponse.Failure.Error.

val message: String = response.message()
val errorBody: ResponseBody? = response.errorBody
val statusCode: StatusCode = response.statusCode
val headers: Headers = response.headers
val raw: okhttp3.Response = response.raw

Injecting a Custom CoroutineScope and Unit Tests

You can inject your own custom CoroutineScope into Sandwich's internal execution by setting it on the ApiResponseCallAdapterFactory:

  coroutineScope = `Your Coroutine Scope`

To apply your custom coroutine scope globally for the ApiResponseCallAdapterFactory, set your scope on SandwichInitializer:

SandwichInitializer.sandwichScope = `Your Coroutine Scope`

Additionally, you can inject a test coroutine scope into the ApiResponseCallAdapterFactory for your unit test cases:

val testScope = TestScope(coroutinesRule.testDispatcher)
val retrofit = Retrofit.Builder()

By following these guidelines, you can effectively manage coroutine scopes within Sandwich, making it suitable for a variety of use cases and ensuring robustness in unit testing scenarios.

Serialization for Retrofit

Sandwich facilitates the deserialization of your Retrofit response's error body into your customized error class, utilizing Kotlin's Serialization.


To learn more about configuring the plugin and its dependency, refer to Kotlin's Serialization documentation.

Maven Central

Add the dependency below to your module's build.gradle file:

dependencies {
    implementation "com.github.skydoves:sandwich-retrofit-serialization:$version"
dependencies {

Error Body Deserialization

To deserialize your error body, utilize the deserializeErrorBody extension along with your custom error class. Begin by defining your custom error class adhering to the formats of your RESTful API, as shown below:

data class ErrorMessage(
    val code: Int,
    val message: String

Subsequently, retrieve the error class result from the ApiResponse instance using the deserializeErrorBody extension, as demonstrated in the example below:

val apiResponse = pokemonService.fetchPokemonList()
val errorModel: ErrorMessage? = apiResponse.deserializeErrorBody<String, ErrorMessage>()

Alternatively, you can directly obtain the deserialized error response through the onErrorDeserialize extension, as depicted here:

val apiResponse = mainRepository.fetchPosters()
apiResponse.onErrorDeserialize<List<Poster>, ErrorMessage> { errorMessage ->
  // Handle the error message

Creating ApiResponse from Retrofit Response

If you need to create an ApiResponse from the Retrofit's Response<T> class, you can utilize apiResponseOf or suspendApiResponseOf extensions below:

val response: retrofit2.Response<Pokemon> = service.fetchPokemon()
val apiResponse = apiResponseOf { response }